Pasante Taste Condoms - 12 Condoms

  • Tilboðsverð
  • 594 kr
  • Verð 990 kr
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12 smokkar með bragði og litum.  4 mismunandi bragðtegundir og litir. 

  • 3x brúnir súkkulaði
  • 3x rauðir jarðaberja
  • 3x bláir bláberja
  • 3x grænir mintu

The Pasante Taste condoms have different colors and flavors for sensual and tasty fun! It contains 12 condoms: 3 red condoms with strawberry flavor, 3 brown condoms with chocolate flavor, 3 blue condoms with blueberry flavor and 3 green condoms with mint flavor.

Recommended for: in general every tested condom is safe for vaginal, oral and anal contact, as long as the fit is good and there is enough lubricant