14-Days of Love Gift Set - Ástardagatal

  • Tilboðsverð
  • 11.175 kr
  • Verð 14.900 kr
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Skemmtilegt 14 daga ástarbox, tilvalið sem tækifærisgjöf fyrir þann sem þú elskar.  Fallegt hjartalagabox sem sannalega kryddar leikinn í tvær vikur, en á hverjum degi kemur nýtt fallegt dót í eldheitum rauðum lit uppúr kassanum.  Prufið eitthvað nýtt á hverju kvöldi! 

Surprise your lover with this beautiful love box and enjoy the various toys and accessories together! The 14 Days of Love gift set consists of a heart-shaped box with 14 compartments. Open one compartment each day and experiment with a new toy every day. This set is perfect for making your sex life even more exciting and trying something new every day for two weeks. The beautiful design of the box makes this set the perfect gift for every occasion.

Anal stimulation, Vaginal stimulation, Clitoral stimulation, Penis stimulation, Nipple stimulation.. what else do you need!